Slovenj Gradec
August 21-27th, 2023
A week in the city of birth of Hugo Wolf

of Madness

Working sessions
& Pre-dinner
August 22-26, 2024
Hugo-Wolf birth house,
Music School of Slovenj Gradec

Public presentation
of YES Participants
26th August 2023, at 19.00h
Hugo-Wolf-House, Slovenj Gradec
Public concert of the participants of YES! Young Europe Sings Academy
Music by F.Schubert, H.Wolf, Fanny Mendelssohn, Pauline Viardot a.o.
Lovro Korošec and Barbara Verhovnik, Slovenia
Sara Lešnik and Ivana Tripković, Slovenia
Domen Vurnik and Lucija Lorenzutti, Slovenia
Rebeka Pregelj and Ana Maria Beguš, Slovenia
Parvati Maeder and Camille Thoorens, France
Jared Andrew Michaud and Christina Koti, France
Virgile Pellerin and Manon Minvielle-Debat, France
Hannes Nedele and Dani Zhogovska, Germany
Lara Rieken and Max Hampl, Germany

Video Channel
Soon available with videos of the Workshops and performances
More impressions
from Slovenj Gradec